Linda has a history of falling in her home.  “A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falling” is helping her to stay strong, safe, and confident.

Like Linda, one out of three older adults fall each year, and falls are the leading cause of both nonfatal and fatal injuries among seniors. In 2012, direct medical costs incurred by falls accumulated to nearly $30 billion.

A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based program, taught by volunteers in Ethos’ AgeWell West Roxbury program, that addresses this issue through both increased activity and an awareness of fall hazards. Over the course of eight weeks, the course covers safety checklists, discussions of successful falls prevention strategies, and simple exercises to improve balance, flexibility, and overall strength.

Linda feels the class is absolutely effective and, through participating, she has developed more confidence in her safety. “The class is a lot of fun and it’s very helpful, [including] things to do in [one’s] home to make it safer.  The classes are fabulous. We have a lot of fun, and the instructors remember to bring humor to it.”

AgeWell West Roxbury needs you! Become an A Matter of Balance Course Instructor and help motivate older adults like Linda to stay active and overcome their fears and risks of falling!

For more information about A Matter of Balance, and other AgeWell West Roxbury programming, please contact Ann Glora, Healthy Aging Program Manager, at or call 617-477-6616.