So much of who we are is rooted in where we live. That’s why Ethos is deeply committed to helping people stay in their homes safely and independently. For those over 60 who meet program guidelines, we plan, coordinate and deliver an extensive range of home care services and support.


  • Case Management – Needs assessment, care planning, monitoring, troubleshooting
    and advocacy.
  • Homemaking – Meal preparation, housekeeping, laundry, snow shoveling and de-hoarding.
  • Meals – Home-delivered meals and grocery shopping.
  • Personal Care – Bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring and adult day care.
  • At-home Safety – Adaptive housing, medical alert system, safe return for Alzheimer’s patients, vision rehabilitation.
  • Getting Around – Transportation assistance.


  • Free options counseling to learn about services, support, funding sources, referrals
  • An approach that respects personal preferences and the important support role played by family members and other loved ones.
  • Programs tailored to individual needs, including disability, language, culture, gender identity and sexual orientation

Becoming a home care client begins with a telephone call to Boston Elder INFO (617-292-6211). After that, an Ethos Intake Specialist will set up an appointment to see the elder in their home. The Intake Specialist will ask a number of questions, do a preliminary eligibility determination and work with the elder to develop a care plan.


Home Care Services


Assistance with light housekeeping, dish washing, vacuuming, kitchen and bathroom cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and meal preparation by trained homemakers.

Personal Care

Activities performed by specially trained homemakers to assist the client with daily hygiene and grooming needs. An Ethos nurse will work with you to complete a care plan that meets your needs.

Home Delivered Meals

Nutritionally balanced meals are delivered by drivers who also provide a welcome link to the outside word.

Home Health Services

Medically required, trained assistance such as short term nursing care and home health aides.


Assistance with heavy household tasks from trained workers.

Adaptive Housing

Funding for minor changes or modifications in a home to correct hazards and provide a safe environment for frail elders.

Personal Emergency Response System

A medical alert system that allows elders in medical emergencies to summon assistance.


Trained volunteers visit frail elders on a regular basis, providing caregivers with a much needed break in their routine, and some time to themselves.

Adult Day Health

A program providing supervision and assistance with medication, personal care and health care, along with socialization through organized, group activities in a setting outside the home.


Contracts with licensed livery companies that provide elders with transportation to medical appointments.

Supportive Home Care Aide

Service provides basic homemaking and personal care tasks for elders who may have personal issues, that make service delivery challenging.

Medication Dispensing System

An automated dispenser that allows an elder to receive medication at appropriate intervals.

Habilitation Therapy

A service designed to help caregivers work more successfully with a loved one with dementia.