Ethos has long been a leader in taking on the challenges facing elders and, finding solutions to the vexing knot of problems that—often prematurely—push the isolated and homebound into nursing homes.
Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender elders, in particular, are among our most vulnerable older adults. They are much less likely to have the traditional supports that others depend on as they age: spouses, children, and other relatives. LGBTs need support from the aging services network to age well – in their own communities and among their own peers.
According to a recent survey of elders at community cafes throughout the Greater Boston area, lesbian, gay and bisexual seniors reported feeling more isolated and alone than their heterosexual peers. In fact, more than 53% of LGB seniors reported feeling they lacked support, compared to only 32% of heterosexuals. The same study found that more than twice as many LGB seniors feel “left out” and marginalized than their heterosexual peers.
Ethos is proud to be the sponsor of Out4Supper, Café Emmanuel and Out2Brunch – safe, affirming environments for LGBT seniors to make friends, strengthen their support circles and rebuild resiliency.
Programs for LGBT Elders
Café Emmanuel
Cafe Emmanuel is a weekly luncheon for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Seniors and their friends. Learn More

Out4Supper is the first “Supper Club” in Boston for LGBT elders and their friends. A varied program of entertainment, speakers and discussion groups accompany the meal, making each event a memorable experience. Learn More

Café Pride
Many LGBT elders of color enter retirement age without the supports necessary for healthy aging. Cafe Pride is safe and welcoming environment for LGBT elders of color to connect with each other and opportunity to celebrate the diversity in New England’s LGBT community. Learn More

Out2Brunch Roslindale
Out2Brunch is a monthly brunch and social for older lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. Each Out2Brunch meal is followed by entertainment, presentation or discussion. Learn More

Out2Brunch Brookline
Out2Brunch Brookline is held on the third Saturday of the month at Goddard House in Brookline. It is fully handicap accessible and features plenty of free parking. Learn More

AgeWell Equality
AgeWell Equality is a new initiative, building off the decade old, and proven, AgeWell program in West Roxbury, which brings health and wellness education and aging resources, to the community. This program will focus on the unique need of LGBT elders.

Senior Pride Luncheon
Held during Boston Pride Month, this annual event draws nearly 300 LGBT elders from throughout Eastern Massachusetts to celebrate aging in the LGBT community.

LGBT Aging Commission
Tasked with studying key areas of life for LGBT elders and caregivers and making recommendations to state leaders on how to improve aging services and benefits. Ethos’ CEO Dale Mitchell is an active representative on the commission. Learn More

Ethos Equality Fund
The Ethos Equality Fund (EEF) was launched in February 2012 and is the Boston area’s first fund solely dedicated to supporting aging lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBTs) and their support circles. Learn More