Ethos’ Healthy Aging Program, featuring AgeWell and the innovative Senior Center Pilot initiative, stands as a beacon for fostering vibrant communities and active lives among seniors. This program offers a diverse array of more than 20 programs, classes, activities, and events designed to enhance the physical, mental, and social well-being of older adults. Our offerings span a wide spectrum, including falls prevention, health and wellness, and invigorating exercise sessions.

With a robust calendar, the Healthy Aging Program hosts over 700 hours of classes and organizes more than 600 individual classes and events. This dynamic and engaging environment empowers seniors to stay active, connected, and healthy, ensuring they lead fulfilling lives within our community.

Fall Prevention Programs

Tai Chi Seniors

This evidence-based workshop focuses on preventing falls and improving balance through regular practice of Tai Chi. Participants will learn eight single forms in the program, all of which are derived from the traditional, well known, 24-form Yang Style Tai Chi but tailored to older adults who wish to improve balance and mobility and consequently, reduce the risk of falling. Performance of Tai Chi movements is closely coordinated with natural breathing.

This workshop is conducted in one-hour sessions, twice weekly, for 12 consecutive weeks.

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Tai Chi Club

This 12-week program is for those who have taken the Tai Chi for Seniors workshop and would like to practice on a weekly basis with an instructor or experienced student.

The club is offered at no cost to the participant and meets for 1 or 2 days per week for 12 weeks; 1 hour each session.

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Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance

Tai Ji Quan is an evidence-based physical activity program for older adults. This workshop promotes better balance and stronger muscles using elements of Yang style Tai Chi. Functional strength training, balance exercises and focused breathing are an essential part of this new program. Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance classes are offered at no charge. Workshops meet twice a week for 12 – 24 weeks; 1 hour each session.

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A Matter of Balance

Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults.

The program is 8 sessions (2.5 hours each week).

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Health & Wellness Programs

My Life, My Health, Chronic Disease Self Management (CDSM)

Ethos’ My Life, My Health healthy aging workshop will help you get the support you need, find practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discover better nutrition and exercise choices, understand new treatment choices, and learn better ways to talk with your doctor and family about your health. If you have conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain, anxiety, this workshop can help you take charge of your life.

This free workshop is conducted in two and a half-hour sessions, once-a-week, for six consecutive weeks.

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Diabetes Self Management

This program is similar to My Life, My Health with a focus on diabetes. It incorporates diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and overall management of diabetes. This workshop is also 6 sessions (2.5 hours each week).

This free workshop is conducted in two and a half-hour sessions, once-a-week, for six consecutive weeks.

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Workplace My Life, My Health: Chronic Disease Self-Management

Juggling work, health, and home can be challenging! The Stanford University Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is for anyone living and working with an on-going medical condition. Learn to balance work and home life, to eat well, control your pain, begin an exercise program, handle stress, increase your energy level, and more! The workshop is offered at no charge and the book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions  is provided for each participant. The workshop is designed to fit into your work schedule. Workshop meets 2 days per week for 6 weeks; 1 hour each session.

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Healthy Eating for Successful Living in Older Adults

The Healthy Eating for Successful Living® workshop is for people who want to learn more about nutrition.  The program stresses 2 important topics for healthy aging – nutrition strategies for heart and bone health, and increased physical activity. Both are important in preventing or managing most chronic health conditions and helping to maintain or improve wellness and independence.

Workshop is offered at no cost to the participant and meets 1 day per week for 6 weeks; 2.5 hours each week.

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A Matter of Balance

Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults.

The program is 8 sessions (2.5 hours each week).

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Mental Health, Caregiver and Dementia Support Programs

Healthy IDEAS

Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors) is an evidence-based program designed to detect and reduce signs of depression in older adults with chronic health conditions and functional limitations. Trained interns and staff provide weekly in-home and phone counseling sessions for up to twelve weeks during which clients are encouraged to manage their depressive symptoms by engaging in meaningful activities at home and in the community. Staff and clients discuss the areas of life that can be improved and work together to develop a plan of action.

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Savvy Caregiver Program

Savvy Caregiver is a training program for caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer’s or related Dementias. It assists family members (or friends) in their new role as caregiver, a role for which they may be unprepared. The program builds information and knowledge about the illness, helps to develop skills to manage daily life, and creates an outlet to share challenges and experiences with others. Savvy Caregiver helps to foster a different attitude towards caregiving, resulting in less stress and more contentment for all involved.

Workshop is offered at no cost to the participant and meets 1 day per week for 6 weeks; 2 hours each week.

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Memory Café

A Memory Café is a social gathering where people with memory loss and their caregivers can come together in a safe, supportive environment. Guests can share conversation over a cup of coffee in a relaxed atmosphere that sometimes includes music, art, or other forms of entertainment and provides families who are living with Dementia or Alzheimer’s a support group to lean on and resources to share.

Cafés are offered at no charge at the BCYF Roche Family Community Center, 1716 Centre St. in West Roxbury on the second Tuesday of each month. Anyone from any neighborhood may attend. Reservations are requested, but not required.

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Social Engagement Programs

AgeWell Café

A hot lunch and a guest speaker are offered on the third Tuesday of each month. Topics include information on health care, city services, age-friendly initiatives, scams, financial health, nutrition, and much more! There is a suggested $2.00 donation for the lunches.  AgeWell Café is held at the Spring Street Apartments, 23 Spring Street in West Roxbury from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.

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Technology Tutoring Program

Student volunteers from The Roxbury Latin School give seniors an introduction to computers or smart phones in their state-of-the-art computer lab. This program allows the senior to work one-on-one with a student to learn basic technology skills. If you are working on a laptop or tablet at home, you may bring that with you. If you would like to learn more about your smart phone, bring that too! Seniors with all levels of experience are welcome to participate in this program, from beginners on up! *A VERY limited number of seats are available for this program. **Long walk from parking to door and classroom.

Classes are offered at no cost to the participant and meet 1 day per week for 6 weeks; 1 hour each week.

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Special Events

Large special events are held throughout the year and include a holiday party, senior prom, and Conversations on Aging, a series of informational forums highlighting topics of interest related to healthy aging and aging in place.

To see our scheduled events, click here!

Make sure that you are part of our automatic telephone calling system  and mailing lists so you can be notified of upcoming healthy aging classes and events. Please complete the form below, call 617.477.6616 or email to be added to our lists.


Please enter the name a contact information for the person attending the event with you. 

Please do not repeat names or email addresses.