For 39 years, Ethos’ goal has been to provide the elders of southwest Boston with quality, affordable and culturally-appropriate home and community-based care so that they can remain in their homes.
As we enter our Annual Fundraising Drive, there are three ways you can ensure our most needy elders have access to vital in-home services, as well as inter-generational social, educational, and recreational activities for them and their support circles:
1) Make a small donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to Ethos’ Annual Fund
2) Encourage friends, family and colleagues to make a modest donation of their own.
3) Volunteer to call potential donors to tell them about your experience with Ethos and the elders we serve.
Your generous support will go to help elders like Alida, 82 years old, a double leg amputee who suffers from dementia. Alida became an Ethos client four years ago when her dementia became so severe, her family required adult day health to provide a supportive environment for her. As her long standing diabetes progressed, she required bi-lateral leg amputations and long hospital and rehabilitation stays.
Working with Alida’s family, our clinical assessment nurse and specially trained case managers, Ethos was able to develop and implement a care plan that combined the right equipment, support services and staff that allowed Alida to return home to her family. Today, thanks to Ethos, Alida is home where family, familiar foods and surroundings, along with dedicated caregivers, who provide services in her native Spanish, promote the best quality of life for her.
Our goal this year is to raise $25,000 by December 14. We know that you believe in the importance of investing in your community. An investment in Ethos is a wise one and will go directly to help seniors like Alida. We would be grateful if you would support Ethos in this effort.
Please click on the donate button to make your tax-deductible gift online, safely and securely.