Congress has proposed cutting funding to the Medicare State Health Insurance Assistance Program which funds the SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) program here at Ethos. As you know, the SHINE program ensures that Massachusetts elderly and disabled residents and caregivers have access to accurate, unbiased and up-to-date information about their Medicare options.
Many seniors cannot just turn to websites, brochures, or call centers to navigate the complex network of health insurance providers for necessary information.
Medicare beneficiaries must choose among more than 20 prescription drug plans, an average of 19 Medicare Advantage plans, as well as various Medigap supplemental insurance policies—all with different premiums, cost sharing, provider networks, and coverage rules. For more than 24 years SHINE counselors have advised, educated, and empowered individuals like you to navigate their Medicare choices. In addition, SHINE has helped many Medicare beneficiaries resolve fraud and abuse issues, billing problems, appeals, and enroll in low-income health assistance programs.
Over the past three years, the SHINE program at Ethos has served more than 9000 Medicare and Medicaid enrollees and saved them more than $14,850,000 by helping them select more appropriate health care plans. We have accomplished so much with staff of just three part-time employees and a team of more than 25 specially trained volunteers who have given more than 11,300 hours of service. That’s more than $325,000 worth of donated time.
While we are hopeful that SHINE funding will remain intact, a lot can happen between now and the end of the congressional session. Now more than ever we need your help to protect this much needed program.
Now is a critical time to assist SHINE. If you, and the more than 9,000 individuals that SHINE has helped, gave just $25.00, we could fund SHINE for a full year. Your donation will insure that the next time you have a question about your Medicare or prescription drug plan or, have a billing problem; SHINE counselors will be there to help you.
Will you help protect the SHINE program at Ethos by making a tax-deductible contribution of $25.00 or more? If so, you can make a contribution using the form below or by mailing a donation to Ethos, 555 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Thank you for your consideration and continued support.