Dear Friends:

Today, few groups age with more challenges than lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBTs). Less likely to be partnered, more likely to be childless and too often estranged from their own families, LGBTs face significant barriers to healthy aging. Isolation, depression, substance abuse, and suicide are major risks.

As co-founder of the LGBT Aging Project, Ethos is proud of its work helping LGBTs age with dignity and respect and has been a leader in addressing LGBT issues.

But more needs to be done to support LGBT elders. In honor of Pride Week, will you make a donation to the Ethos Equality Fund?


The Ethos Equality Fund is a resource to initiate, improve and expand aging services for LGBTs throughout greater Boston. Its founding marks a significant step-forward for equality for older LGBTs and their caregivers.

To make a donation to the Ethos Equality Fund click here or send a check, payable to Ethos to:

Ethos Equality Fund C/O Ethos, 555 Amory St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.

Your generous support will help Ethos, through the Ethos Equality Fund, will help provide:

  • Venues for older LGBTs to socialize and learn
  • Support for stressed-out and grieving LGBT caregivers
  • Support for LGBTs aging with HIV/ AIDS.
  • LGBT-trained home care aides and personal care attendants
  • LGBT-affirming housing opportunities

Determining life’s final course should be a question of choice, not sexual orientation or gender identity.


Dale Mitchell, Executive Director