
Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah Friendly

By January 25, 2018No Comments

For the past 13 years, Sarah has been volunteering with Ethos through Boston’s Senior Companion Program.

Sarah’s last name “Friendly” describes her perfectly.  At 74 and a senior herself, Sarah has volunteered for the past 13 years visiting homebound elders in their homes and escorting them to medical appointments.  As a Senior Companion with Ethos, Sarah volunteers 20 hours a week, visiting four seniors for an hour or two each week, and taking two to four medical escorts a month. Both of these volunteer positions help seniors remain living at home, independently.

Sarah volunteers to give back to the community and because she likes helping people. Sarah had taken on the role of caring for her mom and husband when they had become sick, and through this she gained the experience of caring for others. A friend who volunteered with Ethos suggested our programs as a way to keep busy after her mom had passed away.  Sarah has since enjoyed visiting with seniors and doing what they enjoy most, whether it be going out for ice cream or simply sitting and talking. Her most memorable experiences have been the personal ways she’s affected her clients’ lives. In one example, Sarah is especially proud of helping a senior who was too afraid to attend necessary medical appointments but felt comfortable going with Sarah.  Edie, one of the clients Sarah visits each week, describes Sarah as “Really thinking of the clients – she’s the best!”

When she is not volunteering with Ethos, Sarah is helping out at the Emmanuel Temple food pantry, staying active in her church, babysitting young family members or enjoying one of her hobbies such as reading or working on her yard.  She has devoted herself to giving back because she truly loves helping others – living up to her name in all she does!