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Request for Proposals for Home Care and Non-Home Care Services

By April 28, 2022May 29th, 2024No Comments

The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) contracts with 25 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) to administer programs for persons 60 years of age and over. The Boston Consortium is made up of three ASAPs (Boston Senior Home CareCentral Boston Elder Services, & Ethos) that administer the homecare and special programs in the city of Boston. Each ASAP determines the consumer’s eligibility for services and contracts directly with the provider agency.

Services purchased through our contracted vendors include:

Adult Day Health; Behavioral Health Services; Chore; Companion; Competency Evaluations; Emergency Shelter; Environmental Accessibility Adaptations; Evidence-Based Education Programs (EBPs); Goal Engagement Program; Grocery Shopping and Delivery; Habilitation Therapy (Alzheimer’s coaching); Home Delivered Meals; Home Delivery of Prepackaged Meds; Home Health Services (Skilled Nursing care, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Home Health Aide); Home Based Wandering Response System; Laundry; Legal Services; Medication Dispensing System; Orientation and Mobility (O&M); Peer Support; Personal Emergency Response System and Enhanced PERS; Short Term Respite Care; Supportive Day Program; Supportive Home Care Aide; Translation/Interpretation; Transportation; Vision Rehabilitation, and Wanderer Locator Service.

The Request for Proposal does not commit any individual ASAP to award a contract or to pay for costs associated with the preparation of this proposal. Each ASAP negotiates its own rates and reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal. Successful proposals will result in contracts effective October 1, 2022. Each ASAP will make an individual determination to award a one, two, or maximum of a three-year contract.

Women, minority-owned, and small businesses are encouraged to apply.

Ethos is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

*For Homemaker/Personal Care/Supportive Home Care Aide services, please consult the EOEA website, https://noi.800ageinfo.com/

The deadline for Proposal submission is June 27, 2022 at 12:00PM.

All proposals must be submitted as a single ZIP file using the submission form below.


RFP Instructions and Application

RFP State Policies and Regulations


Request for Proposals for Home Care Services Bidders Conference
May 12, 2022
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Meeting Recording:

Boston Consortium Bidder’s Conference.2022 Final

Bidder’s Questions and Answers 2022


UPDATE 9/1/2022: 2022 Contract Award Decision Announcement